Adventure Parks


Test your physical abilities among nature, hanging in balance between earth and sky. Move between century-old trees and display your balance skills by passing from one to the other. This is the experience offered by Ticino's adventure parks, Monte Tamaro and Gordola, located only a few kilometers from each other. Two itineraries dedicated to those that are ready to confront an adventurous and fun experience in nature. There are different categories divided into levels of difficulty, age and physical skill in order to offer a safe experience for all.


Adventure Park: a name as appropriate as it can be. It is truly an experience rich in emotions for those that choose to visit the Gordola and Tamaro structures located 15 km from each other.

Adventure park Monte Tamaro

Children from the age of 4 can access the Tamaro Park located in the woods next to the cableway's intermediate station. Even if they have to be accompanied by an adult, they can experiment with the basics of rock climbing on a course (Mini) especially designed for them. For older children, from the age of 7, always under the watchful eye of a guide, there is a second route (Medio) through the trees. Those that are 9 years old or over can defy the height and difficult passages of the Grande course, armed only with strength, balance and carabiners to attach themselves to the possible handholds, and finishing with the thrilling free fall of the Final Tamaro Jumping.
The entertainment area on Monte Tamaro includes other attractions: a Tyrolean traverse of 400 meters length allowing you to reach 60 km/h and a 800-metre long sledge slide on which 50 km/h can be reached. Both activities are located at Alpe Foppa.

For those that love water, the adventure can continue to the fearless slides of Splash & Spa the water park centre located at the cableway's departure station for Monte Tamaro in Rivera.

Info: Monte Tamaro, Rivera - Tel. +41 (0)91 946 23 03 - -

Adventure parc Gordola

5 km from Locarno, there is a facility designed primarily for families. This adventure park offers different levels of difficulty to test your skills of balance, concentration, co-ordination and strength by leaping from one point to another on the course, which runs through the trees of the Gordola Sports Centre.

Info: Parco Avventura, Gordola - Tel. +41 (0)79 532 55 83 - -


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